The Mind Reset MP3

The Mind Reset MP3

  • £9.99
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Do you over think? Suffer with re-occurring thoughts and intrusive thinking? This is tiring, it can be so constant and unhelpful to you but now you can experience freedom. This freedom comes in the form of this 30 minute, very powerful hypnotic track. This is the most powerful track that I have created, I call it the Mind Reset!

I created this subliminal MP3 to help you develop a sense of freedom. You will download a Subliminal MP3 recording. This means that the positive suggestions are below the music and in the 'just audible' range. The subconscious mind will listen and be aware. 

I would suggest using headphones for the best effects - listen twice a day to really notice positive thoughts manifesting! 

Do not listen to the track while doing anything that needs your attention. The best way to listen is before sleep and after waking - always set an alarm if you need to be doing anything afterwards - set the alarm for 35 minutes.

Please enjoy the peace, the freedom and the positive effects it can bring. 

Dr Iain Lightfoot