Overcoming Sleeplessness - MP3

Overcoming Sleeplessness - MP3

  • £9.99
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If you have trouble sleeping, this 30 minute subliminal MP3 can help you to drift off to another world and experience a deep state of sleep.

The track starts with a 5 minute guided relaxation where you will feel, and allow, the music take you before you imagine and create your own perfect scenario before then experiencing an arctic blizzard. 

I created this to help everyone to have a good night's sleep - I love the sound of the arctic wind and often use it myself to drift into some of the deepest sleeps I have ever had. So, coupled with subliminal relaxation and sleep commands - my aim is to allow everyone to simply drift off and experience amazing sleep!

Please do enjoy, 

Thanks to Carlos Ebert 'sleeping beauty' published under creative commons from flickr.com